Fishimon Cards
Fishimon cards are what (currently only one) Pokémon card featuring the Mineral Fish were dubbed. The name was suggested by -Quantum_Studios-, and the card itself was made by Pianostar4.
Current cards:
Comments[edit | edit source]
y u no copper fish
-- -QuantumWiki- (talk) 17:48, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
and no emerald fish, like always, omited
-- 🇸🇰 JackyBorderCollie Wiki Founder, Mifernian (📝 talk) 17:43, 5 December 2021 (UTC)
why no emerald fish card is made just why
-- JackyBorderCollie Wiki Founder, Mifernian (📝 talk) 09:47, 17 March 2022 (UTC)
Amethyst Fish is way more ommited if compared to Emerald Fish. Stop forcing people to not omit them.
Forget Notiee, Iron Fish is the most omited fish.
-- 🇮🇳 Twilight, anime artist gal, admin. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) 15:32, 18 March 2022 (UTC)